Mary's Space

Location: Spain

A curious traveller

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Shabbat and the Shechinah


On Shabbat the soul of this world, the Shechinah, must rise back to her origin, to revisit her womb.

All the world  rises with her, as all who feel her presence know.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Tear of Truth


That very first tear that flowed onto your cheek, that one that fell before you became aware, absorbed in thoughts too deep to be spoken, out of the sling of awakening to what this life is truly about and what you have done with it, as you yearned to be not where you are now, not what you are now. That tear was real, an unblemished offering. For a moment nothing else existed, nothing but your G-d and your naked soul before Him.


For a moment it was all true.


Until violently you were jerked back into your world of confusion, once again in the clutches of your ego, remarking, “Aha, a tear!” – and it is as though that moment had never been. So you say to yourself, “It was all a lie. Truth doesn’t pass. Truth is forever.”

If anything is a lie, it is your ego, your imaginary world and its darkness and confusion. All of that comes and oases, never to return. From there truth will never be born.


But for a moment a glimmer of truth  flashed from the world of truth into your world, achieved what it was meant to achieve, and returned to its source.


All else will disappear. That moment is forever.


Likutei Sichot, vol. 17. p 115 Ha’azinum 5728:4

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

John Donne


I shall not live till I see God,

And when I have seen Him

I shall never die.

John Donne

Monday, December 26, 2022

Quietness is the Answer!


There are questions to which God says to be quiet, 

to be still, to cease to ask.

The quietness, the stillness, the abandonment of being, 

that itself is an answer.

Tetzeh, 5725:4

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Obstacles and Miracles



Obstacles are miracles

waiting to happen.

Likutei Sichot, vol. 6, Beshalach


Friday, December 23, 2022

Wisdom is the Glue of Beauty


Wisdom is the glue of beauty. Wisdom is the ability to step back and see the full picture; the past and, most important, the future to which all this leads. To see the truth inside each thing.


Without wisdom there are only fragments.


With wisdom there is a whole, and there is peace between all of its parts.

Sefer Hasichot, 5704

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Peaks and Troughs


At the peaks of life you can catch a glimmer of 
the light of your soul.
When you hit rock bottom, 
you can touch its very core.

Maamar Vekibol. Hayahudim, 5735

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Each thing sings and each is silent


Each thing sings and each is silent.

Each thing sings pulsating with the life God gives it.

And each is silent, and the silence says,

“I am just a thing that is. I simply am.”

The silence is also God

For he is the only one who can. Say “I am”.

Rabbi M. M. Schneeson

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Darkness to Light


The truth of all darkness is its mandate to become light; the truth of all conscious beings is their mandate to perceive that light; the truth of all existence is to know that it emerges out of that which stands beyond existence.


Likutei Sichot. Vol 10

Monday, December 19, 2022

Boundless Energy


Energy, like you, has no beginning and no end. 

It can never be destroyed. 

It is only ever shifting states.

Panache Desai

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Intuitive Mind

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift.

The rational mind is a faithful servant.

Albert Einstein


Thursday, December 08, 2022

The Boundless Power of Healing


That boundless power of healing is to be sought in God.

I am a spark from the Infinite,

I am not flesh and bone.

I am light!!!

Paramchansa Yogananda

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Man's Estrangement from Nature

Through scientific understanding, our world has become dehumanized. Man feels himself isolated in the cosmos. He is n longer involved in Nature and has lost his emotional participation in natural events, which hitherto had a symbolic meaning for him.

Carl Jung



 "Balance is my true nature."

Deepak Chopra